Four Hiltons

Amanda: I am a wife, daughter, mother, sister and a Gemini. I love to read, I hate repetition and boys/men with long hair, if I could afford it, I would have so many tattoos that I might possibly be unemployable, I love my Marine husband and our 2 balls of fuss. I hate rain! Do you hear that, England, I despise those cold, wet droplets that pound me from your dark, grey skies. (okay, I feel better)

Joshua via his wife: I am a Texan through and through including big steaks, hunting trips, Republicans and pick ups. Been serving my country for 6ish years with a little over 2 more to be served in the U.K., mate. I like Cheez Its, all types of music, Dr. Pepper and everything Adidas. I hate long lines and shift work. I am super talented... soccer, guitar, shooting things, etc, etc... Oh yeah, and I caught my newborn daughter, unassisted (biggest accomplishment yet!).

Faith via mom: I am almost 10 which makes me a Scorpio. I am a California baby, but I am adjusting to this depressing climate. I am a little bit goth, a little bit girly and I don't have a boyfriend named Chris. I love my little sister, American t.v. and American holidays but most of all, ribs. I hate the rain and Dr. Who.

Ruby Rose via mom: What can I say? I am only 4 months old, but I love my family, especially my sissy. I have recently found my feet, learned to roll over and I know how to spit. I like listening to music, playing peek-a-boo and my mom's sling. I also hate the rain. Sleep? Who needs sleep? Oh yeah, my daddy caught me as I entered the world, pretty cool guy!

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Tired Mom

It is 11:00 PM, and I have two children awake, not one, but two.  How am I even venting this on a blog?  I am forcing the older non-sleeper to hold the younger non-sleeper so I can have one moment without another human hanging on me...but, she is holding her over me and punching me in the face with her baby sister's fist.  Really? 

I actually came in here for sleep solution ideas from parenting websites.  Instead, I found an article  by Dr. Sears, my absolute favorite baby doc, about why it is so hard for "high needs" children to go to sleep and stay asleep.  Most of my day and night is spent trying to get Ruby to sleep, trying to keep her to sleep, or wishing she would go to sleep. 

Faith...she is another story.  She has been sick the past two days and at home with little activity which makes beditme hard.  Ok, tired of being punched in the face by a 4 month old and her 10 year old caregiver! Help!

Wow, that was my 5 minute blog break...time to go try bedtime again.

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